It's been a while tak main tag questions. i found this one on other blog, so let answer some questions shall we.
What is your current obsession?
My DSLR Nikon Camera and Facebook obviously, i love to take pictures and pose in front of the lens. gahahaha and FB is more likely for connecting with my buddies, it was the easiest way. I felt alone lately, so fb is the answer, wait it sounds creepy, but whatever, and if talking about music, of coz Avril Lavigne! she will be launching her new album this march and also Kpop Idol, my obsession now is 2ne1, they're somethin' superb bout them. just love and hell yeah i'm blackjacks!
My DSLR Nikon Camera and Facebook obviously, i love to take pictures and pose in front of the lens. gahahaha and FB is more likely for connecting with my buddies, it was the easiest way. I felt alone lately, so fb is the answer, wait it sounds creepy, but whatever, and if talking about music, of coz Avril Lavigne! she will be launching her new album this march and also Kpop Idol, my obsession now is 2ne1, they're somethin' superb bout them. just love and hell yeah i'm blackjacks!
What are you wearing today?
Today i'm wearing, a green-army color shirt, with black jeans, and with my black and white checkered box hoodie.
Today i'm wearing, a green-army color shirt, with black jeans, and with my black and white checkered box hoodie.
What’s for dinner?
i'm not sure today, but yesterday was, McD Bubur ayam, and it was great and kenyang.
i'm not sure today, but yesterday was, McD Bubur ayam, and it was great and kenyang.
What would you eat for your last meal?
Hurmmmm my mom's tomyam of coz and her superb laksa, i'll eat everythin' she cooks, coz she knows the best.
What’s the last thing you bought?
yesterday i bought, my camera UV filter that about RM50 and St Iver Blackhead Scrub for my face. hahah!
What are you listening to right now?
What are you listening to right now?
Gosh, just now i listening to Ashley Tisdale; Be Good To Me, then Paris Hilton; Turn It Up... love hot chicks sound haha, i know its too early to party up but it's good to have somethin' boom boom pow to kicka' your day.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
I want to say Korea but honestly it sounded cliche' but beside that i really wanna go to somethin' like theme park, maybe Universal Studio or Disneyworld? I heard the Harry Potter land already opened it's kinda cool, and yeah i wanna go to Pokemon Center in Japan. Wooosshhh
I want to say Korea but honestly it sounded cliche' but beside that i really wanna go to somethin' like theme park, maybe Universal Studio or Disneyworld? I heard the Harry Potter land already opened it's kinda cool, and yeah i wanna go to Pokemon Center in Japan. Wooosshhh
Which language do you want to learn?
Ok, Korean!!! they sound so cute. really wanted!
Ok, Korean!!! they sound so cute. really wanted!
What do you love most about where you currently live?
Now, i'm live in Penang, so there a lot to know and love about this island. Actually i'm already love the seaside and their unique building.
Now, i'm live in Penang, so there a lot to know and love about this island. Actually i'm already love the seaside and their unique building.
What style is your current home decorated in?
Ok this one not home actually, butta my room right now is definitely more to boyish-kids thingy hahaha coz i'm currently stay in my nephew room so, they are toys, balls and stuff, its pretty cute dough.
Ok this one not home actually, butta my room right now is definitely more to boyish-kids thingy hahaha coz i'm currently stay in my nephew room so, they are toys, balls and stuff, its pretty cute dough.
If you were a time traveler what era would you live in?
I love this era, so i just go with the flow.
If you could do are be anything (career wise) what would you be?
i would love to be Kpop Idol. Hahah, i don't know... just like... they look so cool when they sing and dance, cute and innocent when they acting, funny and hilarious when they hosting and stunning and fashionable when they be portrait in magazines. If in photography, i would love to be editorial photographer and i'm the one will be the model and wearing the fancy clothes ahahaha ;p
What is your favorite color?
It's changing actually, but definitely black and white, sometimes i'm more into Purple and Blue, somehow Pink! hahah
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
My favorite, i guess my red checkered box hoodie. but i don't wear it often.
What is your favorite song right now?
2ne1 - Pretty Boy, try to listen weh! its bashing all pretty boys out there hahah, butta its so cool to hear CL and Minzy superb raping skills.
If you had RM300 now, what would you spend it on?
Shopping!!! Buy new jacket, or hoodie.. ouwh i need some pairs of jeans or pants. Then go to karaoke, mahal sket punya. Fuhhh best2x.
What are you going to do after this?
What are you going to do after this?
Eat Lunch! I am hungry!
What are your favourite film, named one?
Mean Girls, i know i know... hahaahah but it was fun to watch. Love Cady and the queen bitch Georgina.
So who you will tagging this questions to?
~Omaw Rozduan
~Sara Waniey
~Millomocca Danique
p/s; dah macam interview rasanya. hahah
yeahhh gambar hiasan yg cun... aumm aummm... ngehehehe
yeah haruslah!
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